
Working age, when is the best time? with exercise?
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Autor:  ritcha [ Fr 4. Jun 2021, 10:41 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Working age, when is the best time? with exercise?

Working age is one of the ages that have passed the teenage years. The body is fully grown use your body to work hard and is about to enter the old age Because it is the age where most of the time is spent working. Therefore, it is the age that should focus on the body as much as possible.

However, working age is also one of the most prevalent periods. due to improper lifestyle behavior and working hard until the lack of care for the body as it should

“working age” and the most suitable lifestyle behavior
Eat 5 scoops of vegetables a day.
Have physical activity that makes you feel more tired than usual for at least 30 minutes a day.
sleep up to 7 hours
Brush your teeth for 2 minutes before bedtime.

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The reason for working age at risk of disease
The results of the review of the Department of Health found that problems that cause people to lack knowledge of health include:

Health Decision Making Confusion in health decision making with a wide variety of health information. causing people to not know in which direction to choose a healthy lifestyle
Sophisticated medical service system This makes it difficult to decide which option is most beneficial for your health.
The education system is unable to build health skills. making it impossible to assess whether or not to use the product
Underlying health literacy This allows for limited health options. resulting in unhealthy risk behaviors and unable to manage their own health causing health costs to rise

Healthy tips for working adults
Since working age is a age that has both qualifications and maturity, therefore, you should always seek the right knowledge and understanding in maintaining a healthy body. Don't be fooled by false advertising selling weird health products. Don't be fooled by exaggerated articles online, consult your doctor or specialist when in doubt about your health. pay more attention to health Good food is beneficial. Maintain a balance in eating a variety of foods. Cut back on eating too high-energy foods. exercise regularly get enough rest And don't forget to find leisure activities to relieve stress. Meet up with friends to maintain good physical and mental health.

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